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14 Things to Consider Before Buying a Home
Don’t let your emotions cloud your judgment Wait! That house may seem like everything you’ve ever wanted, but before you make an offer, take some time to consider a few things beyond the size, style and price. When buying a home, it’s easy to let emotions get in the way of reality, or get […]

A fresh perspective on East Texas Real Estate.
Combining professionalism with creativity you will receive full service with your next real estate transaction!

50 years in Nacogdoches Texas
Simpson Real Estate has been active in the general brokerage business in Nacogdoches since 1962 Jennifer Simpson is the principal broker/Realtor and is partnered with Olivia Kiritsy, Associate Realtor. The company has been involved in the community for 50 years in Nacogdoches TX. Our primary brokerage business employs eight Realtors with several years experience in […]

Signs That You’re Ready to Buy
Six tips that tell you it’s time Figuring out whether you’re ready to buy a house, whether you’re a renter or are aiming to move up or size down, can be a daunting task. But there are signs that will indicate whether you’re ready to take the buying plunge. If you are thinking about buying, […]

10 Summer Moving Tips
How to prepare for a seamless transition If you’re moving this summer, the busiest season for moving, you know how daunting it can be. But if you create a blueprint for your move, the transition from house to house will go more smoothly. Here are 10 things you can do to prepare for a seamless […]